
Information About Obstetrics

By Kenneth Shannon

Obstetrics is a medical term referring to the field of specialty that deals with all women's reproductive tracts during the prenatal period, childbirth, and the postnatal period. The term comes from the Latin word obstare which stands for "to stand by".

Obstetrics and gynecology go hand in hand with one another. What this means is that often times if you find an obstetrician, then you have as well found a gynecologist.

So, being as it has been mentioned, we need to discuss what gynecology stands for. This is the medical specialty that deals directly with the reproductive health in female patients. If you were to take this word out of its medical meaning, it would literally stand for the science of females. Gynecologists handle all practices dealing with the uterus, vagina, and ovaries.

It is important to understand that there are numerous sub-specialties in these fields. These would include things such as maternal fetal care and reproductive endocrinology.

The specialty referred to as maternal fetal care is one which concentrates solely on high-risk pregnancies. These types of pregnancies are very common and can be prone to many problems. These such sub-specialists would be well trained in this particular area to be able to handle whatever may come up.

There is also a field that deals with female reproductive hormones. This one is called reproductive endocrinology.

Many of these doctors would be known as ob/gyns.

It is not uncommon for general practitioners to offer female health care services in many rural areas. General practitioners are not fully trained in many of these areas, but are still more than able to offer basic services needed.

No female should feel the need to doubt their obstetrician or gynecologist's knowledge nor commitment. They proved their commitment by going through so much school and training. Just to be and obstetrician or gynecologist, a person must attend four full years of medical school following up on that with a residency. Then they must do another residency if they wish to go into a sub-specialty field. That is why they can be trusted in their knowledge and commitment. To be that committed, one must really enjoy helping women bring new life into this world and love their job as well as the benefits.

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