
Who All Are Eligible For Medicare Part B?

Medicare Part B eligibility is easy to understand - anyone who has eligibility for Part A is also eligible for Part B; all you need to do is bear the additional expense by paying a monthly premium. This amount may be drawn from your retirement benefits or the Social Security amount you receive.
If you have Part A: All persons living in the USA who receive eligibility for Medicare Part A without any premium are simultaneously eligible for Part B. However, Medicare Part B eligibility does not extend to people residing in Puerto Rico. It is important to understand a crucial point here; Medicare coverage under Part B is not compulsory. This is a voluntary program and to receive coverage under this, you have to pay a monthly premium unlike the Part A coverage that comes free of cost.
If you don't have Part A: Even persons who do not have Part A coverage can opt for Medicare Part B provided they meet a few Medicare eligibility criteria. For one, they should be citizens of the USA. Even non-citizens are eligible, provided they have been admitted following all the specified legal requirements and have resided in the US for five years or more. Secondly, people who are aged 65 years and above are eligible for Part B. Even if you do not have Part A, you can qualify for Part B by filling out the necessary paperwork and remitting the monthly premium specified by the insurance provider.
Why choose Part B?
Part A provides Medicare coverage for hospitalization expenses. However, there can be many circumstances when you may require additional care at home, at a health care facility or a hospital on an outpatient basis. Say you have a minor accident that causes a sprain - you may not need to be hospitalized, but you may require an X-ray to rule out a fracture, a visit to the physician to obtain a prescription for painkiller medication, or physical therapy for a few days to deal with the pain and inflammation. In such cases, having Medicare Part B is crucial if you wish to keep your health care expenses low.
If you have overlooked the fact that you have Medicare Part B eligibility and not chosen this plan in the beginning, you can still enroll for it. All you need is to fill out the prescribed Medicare application and provide the necessary documentation along with the monthly premium amount. But, you need to pay a slightly higher amount as the premium, because you are enrolling late and not in the initial stage.
Aanya is an expert commentator on Medicare Part B and Medicaid related information. Her articles have appeared in numerous local publications in the USA.
So, if you are tired of Medicare related sites that don't give you the information you need, then click here [] to visit Aanya's complete guide to Medicare Part B premiums [] and its eligibility criteria.
